Brian Sunter

“Follow” me on logseq

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## About Me

Hey everyone! 👋 My name is Brian Sunter. I'm a software engineer in San Francisco.  I've been taking notes since I opened a .docx file 15 years ago and started writing down my feelings in a stream of consciousness.  I hope to share some things I found useful with you all!

I used to write Clojure at a bank, but now I do more traditional "enterprise" stuff 😇

I'm obsessed with functional programming, AI, clojure, datalog, lisp, datomic, datascript,

I've used a ton of tools and have a lot of inspiration from many different note-taking and project management methodologies. For example, roam, gtd, omnifocus, zettelkasten (and its flavors), "agile" tools like Jira, mind mapping, etc. I was a huge Roam user and still love it, but as a power user, logseq is better for me.

I'm on a relentless quest to learn everything. I have a philosophy that everything is connected, so these next generation note-taking applications with bidirectional links work perfectly for me,

I'm constantly inspired by what you all are doing, so I hope you find this interesting! Feel free to get in touch any time.

## Social Profiles

If you want to follow what I'm doing, I'm posting links to my public graph on twitter

This is my public graph

My logseq newsletter:

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