Brian Sunter

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About Me

Hey everyone! 👋 My name is Brian Sunter. I’m a software engineer in San Francisco. I’ve been taking notes since I opened a .docx file 15 years ago and started writing down my feelings in a stream of consciousness. I hope to share some things I found useful with you all!

I used to write Clojure at a bank, but now I do more traditional “enterprise” stuff 😇

I’m obsessed with functional programming, AI, clojure, datalog, lisp, datomic, datascript,

I’ve used a ton of tools and have a lot of inspiration from many different note-taking and project management methodologies. For example, roam, gtd, omnifocus, zettelkasten (and its flavors), “agile” tools like Jira, mind mapping, etc. I was a huge Roam user and still love it, but as a power user, logseq is better for me.

I’m on a relentless quest to learn everything. I have a philosophy that everything is connected, so these next generation note-taking applications with bidirectional links work perfectly for me,

I’m constantly inspired by what you all are doing, so I hope you find this interesting! Feel free to get in touch any time.

Social Profiles

If you want to follow what I’m doing, I’m posting links to my public graph on twitter

This is my public graph

My logseq newsletter:

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