Newsletter Issue 5
Algorithms Bootcamp and the Elon Musk Controversy

Summary and Reflection 🤔
I’m starting a 3(+) month-long “Algorithms Boot Camp”. I’ve been collecting notes on this topic for some time.
Updates 🆕
This is the 3-month curriculum for the algorithms-boot-camp.
It’s a weekly series of guides that will help beginner and intermediate programmers learn the basics of algorithms.
Hopefully, my process for making the guide and annotating code in logseq will also be interesting to non-programmers.
I wrote a comprehensive outline of all the algorithms I plan to learn. This “boot camp” project will build up this outline as a series of guides, one week at a time.
I’m not writing this guide from an expert’s perspective but rather from a student’s perspective. I’ll be learning along with you and solidifying my knowledge.
Productivity Toolkit 🛠️
Brain Food đź§
In this section, I’ll share some interesting articles and “food for thought.”
The Huberman Show is my favorite health and science podcast.
I enjoyed his podcast called Master Your Sleep & Be More Alert When Awake
Link of the week
Everyone has been talking about Elon Musk buying Twitter and the controversy around the “spam users.”
Check out the newsletter-roadmap to see what I have in mind for future issues. Let me know on twitter @bsunter