Brian Sunter

Abdul Bari Algorithms - Time Complexity

An introduction to analyzing algorithms, comparing functions, and Big O notation, such as Big O, Theta, and Omega.

#programming #course #algorithms #time complexity #abdul bari algorithms

Introduction to Algorithms

Algorithms vs Programs

Focused on DesignImplementation in programming language on hardware
Domain KnowledgeSoftware Engineering
Any LanguageSpecific Language

Priori Analysis and Posteriori Testing

posteriori-vs-a-priori-analysis-of-algorithms notes

Priori Analysis

Hardware independent


Language independent

Time and space function


Watch time and bytes

Algorithm Characteristics


Algorithms can take 0 or more inputs


Algorithms must generate some result or output

If it doesn’t give you any output, an algorithm is not useful

Even if a function returns void, it should return a result in some other method, like modifying a variable somewhere


Everything should be unambiguous and clear.

If you can’t describe the problem to a human, you don’t know it well enough to write an algorithm.

You can’t pass an imaginary number like without specifying how to deal with it


Algorithms must terminate at some point

A web server, which keeps running until you stop it, is a program, not an algorithm. Programs may use algorithms while running.


Don’t have any unnecessary procedures in your algorithm.

For example, in chemistry, you wouldn’t boil a chemical and not use it in the experiment. That would be unnecessary.

How to Write and Analyze Algorithms

Swapping two numbers

This is the pseudo code for swapping two values.

We won’t always use full language syntax in algorithms

##+BEGIN_NOTE This particular function only works for languages that support “pass by reference” like C/C++. Read more here ##+END_NOTE

function swap(a, b){
tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;

Criteria for Analyzing Algorithms

Time and space are the most important criteria when analyzing algorithms


How long will the algorithm take to run?


How much memory does the algorithm need to run?

There are other important characteristics we may care about, but are usually less important.

Network Traffic

How much data needs to be sent over the network when the algorithm runs?


How much power does the algorithm need to run?

This is important when designing for mobile devices

CPU Registers

Sometimes for low level software, you may need to know hardware details like how many CPU registers your algorithms needs.

Time Analysis

Every “simple” statement in an algorithm takes one “unit” of time

If a procedure has 3 simple statements, it takes 3 units of time.

You can write this as

This is a constant value. It doesn’t matter what you give it, it always takes 3 units of time.

For simplicity, we usually say things like y = 3*a + 6*b is just 1 unit of time. It’s usually not necessary to go into such great detail

Space Analysis

What is the space complexity of this algorithm? How much memory does it use?

function swap(a,b){
tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;

It uses 3 variables always, regardless of the input, so we say which is also constant.

Each statement is one “unit” of time and each variable is one “unit” of space

Frequency Count Method

Frequency Count Method

The time taken by an algorithm can be determined by assigning one “unit” of time for each “statement”

If a statement is repeating, the frequency of execution will determine the time taken by the algorithm to run

Sum of elements in array

sum = 0
for (i = 0; i < nums.length; i++){
  sum = sum + nums[i];
return sum;

Time Complexity

If I give it an array of length n, the sum function runs n times, so the algorithm takes time to run. We call this “order of n”

Space Complexity

we have variables sum, i and nums

nums has space n “units” of space and i and sum and 1 “unit” of space.

Since nums has a space complexity of n so we say the space complexity is “order of n”

Matrix Addition

function addMatrix(a,b){
for(i= 0; i < a.length; i++){
  for(j = 0; j < a[0].length; j++){
    c[i][j] = a[i][j] + b[i][j];

Time Complexity

Two for nested for loops, each taking n time.

n procedures executing n times

Order of n^2 or

Space Complexity

variables a,b,c matrices.

variables i,j scalar variables.

Time Complexity

How do we analyze time complexity for given code?

What things affect time complexity?

We need to figure out how many times stmt executes

Normal for loops

stmt will be executed n times, so it’s

for(i=0; i<n;i++){

Decrementing for loop

Even though i is decrementing, it will be executed n times, so it’s also

for(i=n; i>0;i--){

Increment by two

for(i=0; i<n;i+=2){

In this code we increment by two, so it will be executed n/2 times. It is because n * anything is

Nested for loops

for(i=0; i<n;i++){
for(j=0; j<n;j++){

Each loop executes n times so stmt is executed n * n times or

Dependent For Loops

What happens if the inner loop is dependent on the outer loop?

for(i=0; i<n;i++){
for(j=0; j<i;j++){

Let’s make a table to keep track of the values at each interation

ijstmt executions
10 , 11
20, 1, 22
30, 1, 2, 33

How many times is stmt executed?

The outer loop goes from 0 to n

When i is 1, stmt is executed 1 times

When i is 2, stmt is executed 2 times

Finding out how many times stmt is executed is the same as the integer-sum-formula

This is equivalent to 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 … + n

We can use

This can be expanded out to

This is simplified to to because we only care about the biggest exponent.

Outer loop does not execute n times

for(i=1; p<=n;i++){

How many times is stmt executed?

Let’s make a table that shows the values at each iteration


We can use the integer-sum-formula again to find p for a given i

When will this loop stop? when p > n

Let’s replace p with our formula and simplify

This can be expanded out and simplified to (we know we only care about the exponent for big o time complexity analysis)

Therefore, the time complexity is

Multiply i value

for(i=0; i<n;i=i*2){

How many times will this execute?



assumei>=n which breaks the loop

The time complexity is

Divide i value

for(i=0; i<n;i=i/2){

i < 1

The time complexity is

While loops and If

How can we analyze functions with while loops and if statements?

We can make a table of values to understand the exection

while (m != n){
if (m > n){
} else {
  n = n-m

We can see that with an input of 16, it will run 7 times, so 16/2 = 8, which can give us the upper limit

The time complexity is n/2 which simplifies to

Classes of Functions

Types of time functions

These are listed in increasing size

Constant time

Always runs in a fixed amount of time, doesn’t depend on input

or are both constant, which is described as



and both simplify to




Sample values for different classes


We can see that the growth is much faster for the exponential equations

When n gets large, will always be less than

By Cmglee

Asymptotic Notation

Big O -

Upper Bound

means there are positive constants c and k, such that for all .

If you were to graph big of bounding function, your function’s value would always be less than the big O upper bound


If you have a function

What’s an example of a function that will always be greater?

10 is the constant c, from the Big o definition

Try to use the closest function for the upper bound, even though higher values like could be the upper bound, it’s less useful

Big Omega - Ω

Lower Bound

Similar to Big O notation, but your function will always be greater than the omega function

means there are positive constants c and k, such that for all .

Theta - Θ

Average Bound

means there are positive constants , and k, such that for all n ≥ k.


In this case

Since this is average notation, you can’t use , it’s out of the bounds

Properties of asymptotic notation

General Property

if is then is

e.g. is


Reflexive Property

If is given, then =

ex then

Transitive Property

if is and is

then is

if is upper bound for and is upper bound for , then is also an upper bound for

Symmetric Property

Only true for Θ notation

if is then is

e.g ,

Transpose Symmetric

True for and

if if is

eg ,

then is and is

if is and

is acting as both lower bound as well as upper bound



ex. If ,



When adding, take the bigger term


Comparison of functions

If we have two functions, how can we show which is the upper bound and which is the lower bound?

For example, vs

We can sample values and observe which is greater in a table


Apply on both sides



This simplifies to vs

2 * log(n) <= 3 * log(n)

We can see that 2log(n) is always less than 3log(n)

Logarithms guide


Comparison of functions

First example


Second Example

using the property

using the property

so it simplifies to

so and

Third example

Apply log

The power inside the log statement comes out via the third formula

Apply log

The power inside the log statement comes out via the third formula

Simplify to one

So and

Best, Worst, and Average Case Analysis

Given a list [8,6,12,5,9,7,4,3,16,18]

And we want to search for 7

Linear search starts at the first element, checking each element one at a time moving from left to right

If we search for something that doesn’t exist like 20 it will search from left to right until it reaches the end of the list.

Best Case

The best case is the fastest the algorithm can possibly run

In linear search, If the element you’re searching for is present at the first index, that’s the best case.

Best case time is , it will always take one iteration no matter how long the list is, if the key value is at the first index

Worst Case

The worst case is the slowest the algorithm can run

In linear search, if the element you’re searching for is present at the last index, that’s the worst case.

Worst case is because you have to search every element in the list

Average Case

All possible case times divided by number of cases. Usually this isn’t feasible to find, so we rarely do it and focus on the worst case time instead

To find this, you find all possible cases, add up time taken in each possible case, and divide by the number of cases

What are the cases of linear search?

Key present at first index, key present at second index, etc

If at first index, then 1 comparisons

If at second index, then 2 comparisions


So 1 + 2 +3 + .. +n is the total possible case time

and there are n possible cases

We can use integer-sum-formula to add up the time of all cases

We divide the total case time by the number of cases

We simply by dividing out n at the top and bottom, and are left with

Which is the average case time

Asymptotic notation

Don’t confuse best, worst, and average case with Big O, Big Omega, and Theta

Best case and worst can be expressed using any of these. Big O isn’t only used to express worst case

Best case can be expressed using any of these notations

Best case(n) = 1

Best case(n) =

Best case(n) =

Best case(n) =

If you’re searching for 15, start at root 20

Is 15 bigger or smaller than 20? smaller so move left

Then check 10, is 15 larger than 10? larger, so move right

Best Case

If the element you’re searching for is the root, the best case time is constant 1

Worst Case

In the worst case, the element you’re searching for is a leaf

So the worst case is the height of the binary tree, which is

So the worst case is

Unbalanced binary search tree

A binary tree could be unbalanced, this binary tree is left skewed

It has the height n

The best case is still 1 when the element is at the root

However, the worst case is the height of the tree, which is n in this case, so the worst case is n whereas the worst case for a balanced binary tree is

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