Brian Sunter

Abdul Bari Algorithms Course

One of the best introductory courses on algorithms. It's thorough, yet succinct and gives a broad overview of algorithms.

One of the best introductory courses on algorithms. It’s thorough, yet succinct and gives a broad overview of algorithms.

Time Complexity

Notes*: abdul bari algorithms/time-complexity

Introduction to algorithms

What is an algorithm?

[Priori vs Poesteriori Analysis]/[posteriori-vs-a-priori-analysis-of-algorithms)

Algorithm Characteristics and analysis

Frequency count method to find time taken by an algorithm

Algorithm analysis

Time Complexity

Space Complexity

Asymptotic Notation

Big O -

Big Omega - Ω

Theta - Θ

Properties of asymptotic notation





Transpose Symmetric

Comparisons of functions

Best, worst, and average case analysis

Linear Search

Binary Search

Recurrence Relation and Master’s Theorem for Subtracting Functions

Notes*: abdul bari algorithms/recurrence-relation-masters-theorem-subtracting

Divide and Conquer Intro

Examples where the subproblems reduce by n-b

Substitution method for finding recurrence relation

Tree method for finding recurrence relation

Master’s Theorem

For the general form

Recurrence Relation and Master’s Theorem for Dividing Functions

Notes*: abdul bari algorithms/recurrence-relation-masters-theorem-dividing

Examples where the subproblems reduce by n/b

Substitution method for finding recurrence relation

Tree method for finding recurrence relation

Master’s Theorem

For the general form

Notes*: abdul bari algorithms/binary search

Iterative Implementation

Recursive Implementation


Notes*: abdul bari algorithms/heap

Array Representation of Binary Heap

Complete Binary Tree

Full Binary Tree



Heap Sort


Priority Queue

Merge Sort

Notes:* Merge Sort

Merge list

2 way merge

k-way merge

Iterative Merge sort

Quick Sort

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